Saturday 7 February 2009

Tweeny Ennui

"The sun is stupid. The rain is good," Kid A just told me. I've now started to call him Mini-Satre. 

I've been trying to get him to say "Hell is other people" but I think he regards my attempts at amusing myself as trivial and beneath him. 

I've also been stymied in my attempts to find pictures to show you of the already legendary giant snow penis that some people in my town have apparently constructed. What's the world coming to when you can't find pictures of ice-cocks on the internet? Please also insert your own "snowjob" gag here. 

If I find any, I'll let you know. 

I shall attempt another scene for "Four Horsemen" this afternoon before I attempt to wrestle the remote control of the kids so I can watch the rugby. Wish me luck.


  1. Snow penis update: there was a six foot one in Hove Park (Brighton) on Monday. However, this was apparently trumped by a sixteen foot one in Long Ditton (chortle! You couldn't make it up). I tried to get a photo of the Hove one but it was surrounded by guffawing teenagers, so I steered well clear.

  2. Sixteen feet? I just wish I had the time... Our snowman is looking rather forlorn now. Even his carrot nose has fallen out. It might be quite an easy way to explain the concept of death to the kids though...
