Sunday 15 February 2009

HTML And Me...

I've been fiddling with the site again. Every now and again, my geek tendencies bubble up and I have to get busy with HTML. 

It's all a bit shifting the deckchairs on the Titanic, but hopefully it works better. Does it look a bit too cluttered? I wanted to try and get 3 columns on the page. Let me know what you think, it would be greatly appreciated. I've only looked at it through Safari, so please let me know if it's all gone horribly wrong in Explorer/Firebox.

Busy day on the writing front. Have found out that my day-job employers are putting me on a different project from the 23rd, so it's more hours and the commute will take twice as long. So I want to get the first draft of "Four Horsemen" finished this week. Exactly half way through at the moment. 

And the Screenwriters' Diary Newsletter Part Deux will be winging it's way out tomorrow, so please sign up if you fancy it snuggled in your inbox, whispering sweet nothings to your other unopened emails...

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