Monday 23 March 2009

All Time Top 5 Part 4.

2. Lisa Simpson - "The Simpsons"

Before everyone clicks "Unsubscribe" and starts clearing out their browser history, I'm talking about the 23 year old Lisa from the episode "Lisa's Wedding".

When I was 23, she would've been my ideal woman. Smart, humourless and so far out of my league that we're not even playing the same sport. 

Still, if my life with the Better Half has taught me anything, it's that you can get a girl who's way above your station simply through an emotional war of attrition until they finally give in. 

Plus it's a really sweet episode that has me crying like an 8 year old girl with a skinned knee by the end. 

Who will be number 1...?


  1. Ha ha! You're Milhouse.

  2. The Better Half wants me to stop watching the Simpsons with the kids as Kid B can now do a perfect impression of Nelson's "Ha! Ha!"

    I, personally, think it's the funniest thing on earth.
