Tuesday 10 March 2009

Cold Turkey

Right. Can I write this blog post before my chilli con carne is cooked? I've got 13 minutes.


After finishing the last draft of "Stuck Between Stations", I decided to take a week off writing. That and the day job were starting to take their toll. But, already I'm jonesing for scene headings and transitions.

Must go stir rice.

This has been compounded by the fact that, last night, I received a nice email from somebody. Well, the fact that he emailed was nice, the contents were not. It appears that this gentleman had inadvertently been sent my BBC Writers Room feedback. And it wasn't good news. He's putting it in the post to me. "Oh, well," I thought. "Another letter for the pile." and I went to bed.

But, this morning, I woke up and discovered I'd taken it really quite badly. I was in a quivering blue funk all through the drive to work. Even though I've got a proper prod co interested, who can take it through other channels to the Beeb, I really thought this bad boy was the one to pique the Writers Room' interest. 

While the prod co are having a read through of the new draft of "Stuck..." (already got some notes back. Could take things in a really interesting direction), my mind has returned to 'Four Horsemen" and, naturally, now I'm full of righteous indignation, the ideas are flooding out for that one, though I've promised myself I won't touch Celtx until next Monday. 

Still, I also said I wouldn't touch the fags again and I've bought a pack of those. No chuffing will-power. Still, my father didn't raise a quitter. 

Chilli and blog. Done.

Must go and save the burning rice. Love to you all. 

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