Wednesday 28 January 2009

Screenwriters' Diary Update

You'll be pleased to know that I sat down last night and wrote the first scene of "Four Horsemen". Then watched "Battlestar Galactica", sulked over how my writing isn't as good and then re-wrote it.

But, anyway, like the fabled Ferrero Rocher ambassador (which country was he actually ambassador for?), the screen agencies are spoiling you Northern writers with the launch of Northern Laughs. The deadline is 18th March 2009 and prizes include mentoring from Jeremy Dyson and Armstrong & Miller. Brap!

But us soft southerners shouldn't feel left out with the 2 Days Laughter short comedy film competition. You have 48 hours to go out and shoot and edit a comedy or the D.A. takes your badge. Or something. Then sit back and watch the commissions from Channel 4 roll in...

UPDATE: As Piers has very kindly pointed out, Jeremy Dyson is the only confirmed mentor so far. Neither Armstrong nor Miller are involved and I obviously can't read properly....


  1. Minor correction - I'm afraid the only confirmed mentor so far is Jeremy Dyson, who worked on Armstrong & Miller, the TV show. With Armstrong & Miller, obv, but they're not actually mentoring.

    It confused me too.

  2. As our colonial friends say, my bad! Apologies and thanks very much for the correction!
