Monday 18 May 2009

The Tao of the Chocolate Hob Nob

I felt it was time to do another All Time Top 5. Partly because one or two people enjoy them, but mostly because it fills up a week of blog entries.
I toyed with a few ideas. One was All Time Top 5 biscuits. Then I thought "No, there's only one biscuit worthy of entry. All others are merely crumbs in the biscuit barrel of life."
It's the Chocolate Hob Nob. It's a biscuit so good I actually base house purchases on the Tao of the Chocolate Hob Nob.
When looking around a property, I ask myself one simple question. "If I buy this house, would I be able to buy chocolate Hob Nobs at three in the morning with the minimum fuss?"
If the answer is no, then the estate agent is going to be disappointed. Which is an added bonus.
And before anyone goes on about Jaffa Cakes, it's a cake. Not a biscuit. The clue's in the name.
New Top 5 tomorrow.


  1. Damn you for making me want to eat chocolate biscuits at work!

    Actually, I have some in the next room... Not hob nob's though, choccy digestives... hmmmn...

    Oh but I was trying so hard to be good today! Damn you!!!

  2. I agree that the chocolate hob nob is to humans what water is to ducks but there are lesser quality biscuits still worthy of a mention. I'm thinking, of course, of any of the family of biscuits branded, "Fox's Classics."
