Friday, 8 May 2009

A Star Is Born!

Remember that #twitstunt thing a few weeks ago? Yeah?

Want to see some footage from it? Yeah?

OK. Go here

It's really good!

Gasp at the panning shot showing far too many empty beer glasses!

Laugh at my really good John Woo gag!

Be amazed at how nasal I sound!

Find yourself bemused by my bizarre pronunciation  of the word "Strange"!!!


  1. i hadn't noticed the straaangge bit but now you mention it...


  2. And now it's all you'll notice like a mole on someone's face!

  3. Straaaannnngggge.

    Heh. From the same stable as Wolfgang's "Verrrrrry interesting" from Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. If you remember that.

    I shall pronounce 'strange' that way from now on.

    Meanwhile, I marvel at how different everyone looked to the way I *expected* them to look.

    Apart from Stevyn. Cos I knew what he looked like already.
