Thursday 14 May 2009

Quickie Procrastination

Do you - like me - miss the halcyon days of political scandal? When I were a lad it was all sexual deviance, with MPs snorting cocaine off the thighs of hookers and wall-t0-wall auto-erotic asphyxiation. Our taxes probably paid for the rubber hosing, too.

Now they're squabbling over how much they paid for some bathroom taps. It's just not the same. 

I was going to write a long post about Something Important, but I've realised that I've spent far too much time compiling an iPod playlist and have to go and catch a train to watch the mighty Hold Steady and Counting Crows.

So, here's something I've posted before, but I regard it as the greatest thing on the internet that doesn't involve cats. Though the lyrics do involve cat-sitting:

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