Monday 13 April 2009

All Time Top 5 Messiahs Part 2.

4. Neo - "The Matrix"

Never has an actor's natural state of being been used to better effect. Keanu's natural look of bewilderment and befuddlement mean that there's very little acting required on his part.

Second to the "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" references, the Christ allegory is pretty bloody obvious. The Chosen One. Betrayal. Resurrection. Guns. Lots of them. 

Okay, possibly not the last one, unless they're somewhere near the back of the bible. 

He even starts wearing a frock, so he's like a kick-ass Pope.
I tell you what, I'd probably be more interested in religion if there was more slow-motion kung fu involved. And less hymns and more Rage Against the Machine.  


  1. Uhm... What do you know about how much acting Keanu needed for the part? Of course he was acting.

  2. You mean it wasn't a documentary? That it was a fiction?

    Err... Yeah... I was playing on the general public's belief that Keanu Reeves isn't very smart for comic effect.

  3. The flexibility of the face can hardly be a measure of a person's acting capability.

    Look at a classic scene like Casablanca when Ilsa meet Rick at his restaurant. She shows an emotionless face, an empty face. And Ingrid Bergman is hardly considered to be a bad acress.

    Keanu Reeves may or may not be a good actor, but sunglasses and no smiles are no way to measure this.
